Thursday, January 29, 2009

Some Success, Some Roadblocks

Well firstly I believe I've located some relevant code. The page for the bug I'm working on shows that the component is wst.wsdl. Using this information I happened upon 2 packages: org.eclipse.wst.wsdl and org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.ui. I hoped that these packages would contain some code that could point me in the right direction, and fortunately I found one file that could prove interesting. Under the UI package I found another package called Within this package I found a java file called W11ExtensionsSection. Success? I hope so. I feel like this could be a big break since within this file I found references to two buttons called addButton and removeButton. As my previous post explained, the section of the UI I'm focusing on has Add and Delete buttons, so these references could possibly have something to do with those 2 particular buttons.

I've been unable to check as to whether or not the code is relevant. In my previous post I showed a screenshot of the WSDL editor in my main Eclipse window. When I try to debug in a new Eclipse Application, for some reason the WSDL editor isn't there. I've decided to look to the Eclipse Webtools Newsgroup for help, so hopefully in time I'll have the answer to my problem.

I've thought about what I can submit for a 0.4 Release. I definitely won't be able to make a patch for this fix until a later release, so I'm not sure what I can create in-between. Perhaps a simple patch making a slight change to the UI? I'll have to discuss this with Dave.


Bliss said...


How is going with your work?
You have not updated your blog since January?!?


Bliss said...


How is going with your work?
You have not posted anything about the process of finding the code related to your bug.
Are you still working? Soon your work will be evaluated (the first part of semester ends).
